Showing 14 results
Press releases
Macro takes home a customer service gong at BIFM
Macro was a winner at this year’s BIFM Awards, taking home a trophy in the ‘Impact on Customer Service’ category for its work on the Emirates Air Line.
Macro celebrates 15 years of success
Macro celebrated 15 years of growth and success in September this year.
Macro appoints new Managing Director for the Middle East
Mace's facilities management business Macro has appointed Mark Graham as the new Managing Director of its business in the Middle East
Mace appointed to Crown Commercial Service's Facilities Management and Workplace Framework
Mace, the international consultancy, construction and facilities management company, has been chosen as a supplier on Crown Commercial Service’s Facilities Management and Workplace Services framework (RM6232).
Macro's Maddie Hayes wins 'Newcomer of the Year' at this year’s IWFM Awards
Mace Macro’s Maddie Hayes has been crowned Newcomer of the Year at this year’s Institute of Workplace and Facilities Management (IWFM) Awards.
Stephen Jeffery appointed to the Mace Group Board
Mace is pleased to announce today that Stephen Jeffery will be joining the Mace Group Board in his role as our company-wide Chief Technical Officer.
Mace reports significant growth in 2018
Today (Tuesday 3 September) Mace has published its 2018 Annual Report, which shows that the company is in a strong financial position, continues to lead the industry’s efforts to innovate, and offers its people the opportunity to be involved in some of the world’s most complex and career defining projects.
Mace appointed as Buildings Operations Manager by DMCC for the soon to be launched Uptown Tower in Dubai
DMCC – the world’s flagship free zone and Government of Dubai Authority on commodities trade and enterprise – has appointed Mace, the global consultancy and construction company, as the building operations management entity for its soon-to-be-launched Uptown Tower.
Mark Holmes, Deputy Chairman, steps down from the Mace Executive Board
Mark Holmes, Mace’s Deputy Chairman, has announced he is stepping down from his role on the Mace Executive Board in December 2023.
A winning start to 2023 for Mace Operate
Mace Operate, the specialist facilities management business, has made a strong start to 2023 by securing new and retained business across a range of locations and industry sectors.
Mace doubles profits, sees international expansion and launches 2022 Business Strategy
Today Mace launches its 2017 Annual Report which also includes details of its 2022 Business Strategy.
Mace appoints first Chief Technical Officer
Mace has announced the appointment of its first ever Chief Technical Officer, Stephen Jeffery.
Macro wins at the Middle East FM Awards
Macro, the facilities management arm of Mace, has taken home two trophies at the 2018 Middle East Facilities Management Awards.
Macro delivers significant growth in 2017
Macro has reported a solid revenue growth of 28% in 2017.